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build table

Subtables of build define metadata for a (sub)project.


# pull metadata for a project named project_name
  # type of this build
  # can be either application, library or plugin
  # only one application and one library build may exist
  # type: string
  type = "application"

  # current version number for this project
  # please use semantic versioning for this
  # see
  # type: string
  version = "v0.0.1"

  # specify root directory relative to this config file
  # useful if this file isn't located at the project's root
  # should point to the directory containing the .git folder
  # if git is enabled
  # type:    string
  # default: "."
  root = "../../"

  # include information about the local git repository's state
  # type:    bool
  # default: true
  git = true

might generate something like

#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>

namespace config {
namespace build {
struct build_info {
  struct git_info {
    std::string_view remote_url;
    std::string_view web_url;
    std::string_view branch;
    std::string_view commit;
    std::string_view commit_short;
    bool modified;

  std::string_view project;
  std::string_view root;
  std::string_view version;
  const std::optional<git_info> git;

static const build_info application = {
    {.name = "project_name",
     .root = R"(/path/to/this/project)",
     .version = "v0.0.1",
     .git = }},

static const build_info library = {

static const build_info plugins[] = {
}  // namespace build
}  // namespace config